You can get Omega 3 and 6 from Flax Seed, too. You can take it in pill form or get it ground up and put it on cereal or yogurt. It's pretty tasty that way, actually....
You are so right! I worked SO HARD to lose weight while I was on Zoloft, and nothing happened. I just kept gaining. That's one of the reasons I went off of it--I was so unhappy about my body and...
Hey Andromeda-- I stopped taking Zoloft after a year almost a month ago. I did taper for 8 days, then went off completely. I had some of your symptoms--not as intensely, though, that it seems you've...
Thank you so much, Monica. You've given me some hope. :smile:...
I'm glad to hear one persons success story about losing the weight after Zoloft (perigrine's). I was on Zoloft for almost a year for PPD--and gained somewhere around 16lbs. It seemed like nothing I...