Since I have been feeling lost in my own mind im thinking it is time for me and the family to get away from the atmosphere that has been stressing me hopefully I can really think figure out a solid...
no medications or therapy but i am considering talking to a professional i have noticed jewelry making and painting it is a way to release stress...
Last night i broke down and i was told it would get better but that is the problem i try to stay postive and look for brighter days but it never gets better reality is i have been dealing with this...
I have a really hard time telling my parents things they have done to upset me. Growing up they were the adults so what they said was pretty much all that was going to be heard sometimes we tried to...
Call your doctor like right now if there is someone you can talk to call them or just surround yourself around some positive people until you can be seen by your doctor....
Be strong and stand up for yourself it's not always easy but you have to make a stance against bullying....
I really do not know where to begin but I am at a point in my life where i just want to get away i am tired of feeling i hate to feel. My life has not been an easy one my childhood was plagued with...