I have used both trazodone and amitriptyline to help with sleep (not at the same time), which both worked well, but for me, nothing works as well as Lunesta. Ambien and Lunesta are both hypnotics...
I have been on Cymbalta for quite a few months, and I don't remember having any really significant side effects when I started, but I do remember wondering for weeks and weeks if it was going to do...
To me it feels like a strong aching sadness, sometimes overwhelming, that is always hanging over my life and does not go away no matter how much I KNOW I should be happy. I have a wonderful husband...
Don't be afraid to talk to your doctor about the possibility of taking medicine. When I was dealing with suicidal depression, I did NOT want medicine either. After suffering for way too long this...
Fatigue is a problem for me too, usually VERY debilitating. Diet does help me but it's subtle and something I have to stay very consistent with (if I get off the wagon I start feeling like crap in...
I have had that type of feeling before. Most of my symptoms in my legs especially are sensory and the last time I had problems they were completely numb for a couple of months. When they started...