Well, it was a good meeting about steps one and two. Admitting and accepting that we are addicts. My son has a very difficult time expressing his feelings and thoughts, due in part I'm sure to his...
Thanks Karen, I happen to be attending an NA meeting tonight. Thanks for your thoughts....
Nothing has changed with the ex husband. He still hasn't bathed. I have put a deposit down on a new place, so I will not be living her after June 1st. I decided to take the advice to concentrate on...
I called Adult Protective Serviices in regards to my 60 almost 6l year old ex husband, who refuses to get off the couch except to go to bed, or to smoke. He just refused to go to the mental by Solid...
If I cannot get him up to go to the doctor, should I call an ambulance and take him to the emergency room. The lexapro was not prescribed, but a friend gave it to us. We both knew that was wrong, but...
[b]My sixty year old ex husband has had several bouts of depression over the years. He goes from walking on sunshine to lying on the couch for months. He absolutely refuses to bathe, brush his teeth...