It's done the opposite for me. I feel panic, couldn't sleep last night and I don't have an appetite. Has anyone else had similar startup effect from this drug and stuck it out? Did they go away?...
I told my doc what was going. He has the mentality more is better. He said I could go down if I want to. I get no clear cut answers from him. I made an appointment with a pychiatrist. It's not for...
I thought I'd start a new topic to hopefully get more notice. I've been taking mirtazapine for 13 day. I started taking to help with insomnia due to lexapro start up. It worked great. I started at...
I am taking lexapro too, so hopefully that'll ease the side effects. I'm still not even sure how the lexapro is effecting me. I'm going to start a separate topic for coming off Remeron. Maybe it'll...
It's been less than 2 weeks that I've taken remeron. It helped with sleep at first. I went up to 30mg. I noticed panic setting back in during the day. I went back down to 15mg. I had a few good...
I finally made an appointment with a psychiatrist. Unfortunately I can't bee seen until 8/26. I will call everyday to see if they have cancellations. I don't seem to be getting consistent results. I...
6 weeks on lexapro. Shouldn't the startup anxiety be going away by now?...
See my post in Remeron today....
ok.. so i've been taking remeron with lexapro. i am not a fan of the stuff. i woke up at 5:30am this morning and sat on the couch for 4 hours. not good. i don't mind the waking up at 5:30, it's the 4...
Well I had a minor panic attack last night. It's been quite a few weeks since I've experienced this. Overall I had a good day yesterday then early evening I felt it come on. It wasn't anything too...
Well it's 6 weeks today being on the lexapro. The 30mg of remeron is helping curb the anxiety associated with the lex startup. I don't like being on the remeron. It makes me sleep an extra hour than...
I have been taking the remeron this week. I have noticed only a slight increase in appetite. I don't want to speak too soon though. Prior to taking this I was always hungry anyways. Then when I went...
yes... I will give it until 8 weeks. 3shadows I will go up in dose once I consistently don't get the med induced anxiety. I still have hope with it all. When I was on zoloft I had no side effects....
yes.. this is all such a p.i.a. I fell asleep the other night without taking the remeron. First night in months that I slept a whole night without taking anything. The only issue is I woke up feeling...
I hope you find something that works otherside. I know how frustrating it is. My road has been rocky. I'm still trying to decide if lexapro is working for me. I think it is finally. I'm only taking...
Ok.. I spoke too soon. I've been taking the remeron. I think the sedation has been keeping the anxiety down. Now it's wearing off and I think I'm starting to feel it. I get tricked into thinking the...
So far today, no major surges in anxiety. I'm trying to get things squared away in my condo. I've been staying with my brother for the past month while I work through this ordeal. I'm starting a new...
yes.. I should start meditating. I'm background noise type of person when I sleep. I've always fallen asleep with the t.v. on. I guess it's time to try switching to a fan....
I'm nervous that I'm getting dependent on a sleep aid. I think that is the most disturbing part of this whole process. I can deal with having to take an AD like lexapro for a while, but I don't like...
Over 5 weeks. Still feel anxiety. Went to my doc yesterday. He seems to think I need to just ride it out. I had 2 fairly good days. Today the anxiety seems to have returned. It's maddening. I'm...
I am thinking of trying out Remeron. I need consistent sleep. I read about all the side effects. I'm curious what people have to say about it. Has everyone had weight gain? I'm in shape and hope to...
Here I am, 5 weeks into it. Yes I do believe the lexapro helps in some respects(panic attacks have decreased), but I'm not where I thought I should be. I still have an underlying agitation. It just...
I take my lexapro every morning right after I eat a bowl of cereal. I don't mind taking the lexapro if it helps. I just want to sleep normally again. I feel like I need to go away and do all this...
I had to stop taking the klonopin. It was making me just want to sit around and do nothing. I think the lexapro is working. Overall I felt pretty good yesterday. Now that I'm not taking the klonopin,...
Hi Karen- Perhaps I do need the klonopin. I question whether or not the lexapro is right for me. What if in 2 weeks I'm still racey? I just don't know when it's time to make the decision to switch...
Thanks Karen- I just don't know. I wish it was working. I just feel so messed up. I don't want to do anything or face anything. So out of character for me. I don't know if I should give it more time...
I saw my therapist last night. We both agreed that I should be seeing better results from the lexapro by now. I'm going on 5 weeks. I still feel all weird. The only way I get any sleep is by taking...
I am starting to experience times of normalcy. Mainly in the afternoon. Mornings are still rough and I get a little anxiety after taking the meds. The thing that really stinks is that I had an...
Now I have been having pain in my bladder. I'm trying to determine if this is from the seroquel. I didn't take it Sunday night and I don't recall having any issues. I took it last night and woke...
6 months ago I had no problems sleeping. I then lost my job. Gradually insomnia crept in. Now being on lexapro, forget it. I can't sleep unless I take something. I want to sleep normally again so...
I just asked the doc if I can decrease from 15mg to 10mg because of anxiety. Funny how this stuff works I guess. I took klonopin 2 days in a row now. I feel calm. I feel like it's a such a false calm...
Has anyone else felt anxiety starting up lexapro 4 weeks into it?...
I am 4 weeks into it. I really thought I would be feeling better. I've been awake for the most part since 3:30am. I didn't want to get out of bed this morning. I don't even know how I am feeling....
I feel groggy today. I tried taking melatonin last night. I should know better. It does nothing but make me depressed the day after. I had the same issue on Friday after taking it Thursday night. I...
Ok thanks. I will start a new one....
Hey all- I am doing ok. I still get amped up when I take the meds in the morning. I find that I settle down as the day goes on. I still feel them, but not as intense. 3Shadows I read your post. It...
This all just stinks. I thought for sure by now things would be looking up. I had a good day yesterday. I was hopeful Then today I'm a mess again. I don't know what to make of any of it. I'm scared...
I read that taking drugs like Nexium can increase the effects of the antidepressant....
I feel like I can't catch a break!!...
Has anyone experienced stomach issues while on ssri's? I had an ulcer once. I now have to be careful of certain foods I eat. I seem to now be getting an irritation. If it's not one thing it's...
Thanks Karen I do feel the lexapro is working into my system more. Prior to taking the klonopin yesterday, I did not have much anxiety from the Lexapro. Now I guess I need to wait for the therapuetic...
I don't want to feel dependent upon something. I like how it calms me down. It just makes me nervous. I hear how easy it is to hooked on meds like klonopin. I want to be able to sleep on my own...
Thanks stillme. I am sticking with the 15mg for now. The day has been better. I sure wish I could sleep without any sleep aids. Yesterday was great. I took the Klonopin around 3pm. I am one of those...
I'll give it a little more of a chance. I want it to work. I understand it can take up to 8 weeks to work. It's the anxiety I'm getting that's driving me insane. Today so far I feel ok. I don't know...
I am beginning to think lexapro is not right for me. I take it in the morning, 15mg. I took a klonopin on top of it yesterday. It took the edge off, but I still feel all ramped up. I think it might...
I felt a lot better yesterday. The insomnia was a lot worse last night. I took seroquel, but it didn't keep me asleep. I woke up at 4:30. When will this balance out? I haven't taken a kpin in 3 days....
Thanks Karen. I don't want to jinx myself but today has been better. I can still feel the anxiety a bit, but it's I'm not freaking out at all. I will probably still have to take the seroquel to help...
Here we go.. I think I may be feeling a little calmer today. I'm not so anxious. I still feel it, but not as intense. I did close to a 30 mile bike ride this morning. I did have trouble sleeping last...
Started the morning out with about 15 mile bike ride with my brother. I still feel depressed. When will this begin to change? I'm almost 3 weeks into this. I am so worried this isn't going to work...
I was not able to fall asleep last night. I believe Thursday it was the klonopin in my system that helped me get such a good night of rest. Last night I had to go to the seroquel again. I'm afraid...