Concerned I don't suffer from Migraine so can't personally share my experience but do share a close relative called Cluster headaches, but an enemy I pray you don't have. At my signiture section...
Vicky Don't know you but my prayers go up to you. *hugs* Pain Free vibes and wishes for you soon...Kim...
Hey Paper I looked it up and here is the website for you to check out k. /side_effects.jsp?reqNavId=3.5][b] /side_effects.jsp?reqNavId=3.5...
[b] you & you do mean something to me. [color=#0000ff>
[tr ][td ] [color=#800000][b]Hey, Will give credit where credit is due just found a poem that sums me up right now. [img]/community/emoticons/sad.gif [b] [color=#800000][b]Of Sad Eyes [td ] [table...