Nanse thank you for caring soooo much about me. I feel closer to you than anybody in my life. I look so forward to reading your posts. You seem to understand exactly what I feel. Thank you for that....
How was everyones Christmas? Hope you all had a great time. I had a good time at the parents house. A lot of commotion, but I got through it. I will writ e again have to go to work...
Right now I am getting ready to go spend a few days at my parents house for christmas. I have alraedy threatened my husband with devorce, we havn't even left the house yet. I will let you know how it...
Thank you for your encouraging words Nanse, and all the rest of you. I want to make a change. I want to stop feeling the way that I do. I just don't know how to do it. I don't think I am ready to...
I think about how my life would be if I never got married and had kids. How much easier it would be to be alone. That thought alone drives me crazy because I would give my life for my kids. I sit...
I am really thinking about seeind a doc. I am scared. i do not know what is real anymore. I do not know if what I feel is real or just my mind playing tricks on me. There are just soooooo many things...
No I am not on any meds. I have thought about going to the doctor just havn't got up the courage to do it. At times I feel like I am going crazy and that any doctor is just going to say the same...
Hi everyone. I don't know if what i have is depression so I decided to find some whrere I could get some info. I am 33 years old married with three wonderful kids. I have a good job that pays me...