[color=purple>Hey] [b][color=#800080>its] 2 months now that i`m off effeXor rX...feeling way better! [b][color=#800080>I] [b][color=#800080>I] Just hope one day I will be my self again and being...
/community/emoticons/devil.gif Hello everyone; i`m on day 16 now [img]/community/emoticons/yeah.gif cant belive it my self.Some past days have ben pretty good(and I have to say I realized that the...
I finely sleep true a whole night,I dident even knew when I did that last?I had a stressfull morning,had to drive around for E-test ect.(my car still dident make it.LOL) I`m still hypher...
One more day almost past,last night was a bad night.Had troubles to fall at sleep.I woak up around 4am,but couldent move a bone or even [b] open my eyes.I was compleatly freaking out,and i`m not...
hey everyone, i`m new here and looking for answers verry bad. I`v got Effexor RX 75mg in july 2005 for the first time,my doctor put me on medication cuz i was going true a bad separation battle...