Thank you Curley(that's my nickname too) for your post, somehow I missed it. I can't imagine what you went through, that must be the hardest position to be in. I am trying hard not to let my...
Hi Pixie I can relate to your frustration in the decision to take an anti-depressant. I too, can't stand the weird feeling some of them make you feel. I tried several that seemed to dehabillitate my...
Thats interesting Kathy. Did it help with the depression in the beginning? What milligram do you take now?...
Yes, I have had some weight gain (10lbs), as hunger is a side effect. I would start to get the munchies in the evening around the time the dose was due. However, now that I've been on it for 6 weeks...
I am just curious if anyone here has ever used the anti-depressant Remeron (Mirtazapine)? I had been taking a supplement called Same-E, which made me feel great, however, it didn't help me with some...
Have you checked if your insurance covers Celexa? Celexa & Lexapro are very similar. I have tried a few different ones that effected me with a lot of side affects. I just started Remeron, with hunger...
Thank you Elisha, for your kind words of support. One of the hardest things about being a caregiver is the lack of acknowlegment you receive or understanding, when you are down and out and don't know...
Oh and I know that the above seems to focus on more of the stress issues and not on how I personally feel about my Mother-in-law. I do care about her, I just never anticipated the amount of stress...
Hi all. This is my first post here. I stumbled across this site after googling info on a medication. This past summer, my husband, my 2 Children & I were looking for a home to buy. My husbands Mother...