/community/emoticons/smile.gif I saw a new psychiatrist yesterday (5-25) and he seemed like he might be able to help me. He even asked me if I wanted to see a therapist instead of just telling me to...
els....thank you for welcoming me to the Healing Well Forum. I thought too it seemed awfully quick to be diagnosing me with Bi-Polar in only 30 minutes. What I think caused my depression to come on...
Joan....thanks for replying to my post. It was kind of ironic to read your reply because my Mom just turned 60 and she is on Lexapro...10mg once a day and she is trying to slowly decrease her doseage...
atedogs....I was to go through the Intensive Outpatient Program for 2 weeks....that's all the insurance would approve, but I agree with you on the people in the group. I was worried that whoever was...
[b][color=purple>Hi] [b][sup] [sup][color=#800080>I] 2 weeks, I realized that the 150mg was actually too strong for me. I was very tired and even somewhat dizzy. Driving was very difficult! It feels...