thank you so much for your words, they really make me feel good and hopeful. i think i will find out more information about meds and depression to show my parents, and talk to my therapist about how...
Thank you all so much, your advice and hopeful attitudes will help me get through today /community/emoticons/smile.gif thank you! I am going to therapy, and we have talked about putting me on actual...
hey, welcome! i was nodding my head the whole time I was reading your post, because I feel the same way. Don't feel alone, we're all here for you. xoxox....
I don't like this. I am new to depression...Or at least, new to the diagnosis of it. And I really really hate it. I just feel like I am not going anywhere with my life. I'm a senior in highschool,...
hey aimhigh... well, i think it's important to let things out. so, start a journal or just get on here and say whatever youre upset about and we'll be here for you. also, its important to have...
thanks levonne! <3...
thanks everyone, i feel a lot more informed now. i think i might try it out! <3...
hey, so i have been taking an herbal pill for my depression/anxiety called St. Johns Wort for about a month now. It's a mood enhancer, so it helps get me out of my rutt... But I've notcied that since...
wow thank you everyone so much for your responses =] to answer all your questions: I am going to therapy once a week, but I don't really know how well it is working... My parents are pretty...
well, actually, my parents have been really crazy supportive about my depression and anxiety...this whole thing started out by me taking pain meds to kind of "numb the pain" or what have you... and...
hello, everyone. i'm neww to this forum... i am a relativley young teen... 17 years old. and I just got diagnosed with a depression and anxiety disorder..with a little OCD thrown in there haha......