Hi There I'm looking for a bit of advice as to what i should be asking my GP when i next see her. I have a long history of recurrent UTI's and pyelonephritis requiring hospitilisation. I had tests...
Hi there, i've previously posted about my recurring pyelonephritis but during my recent stay in hospital a CT scan discovered a kidney stone. The hospital doctor didn't really explain anything to me...
Just home from another visit to hospital :( Infection has reared its ugly head again and they also discovered a small kidney stone in my right kidney most likely caused by all the infections. Does...
I'm in the UK so i'm on the NHS waiting list, i can't pick and choose which urologist i want to see. Think all i can really do is sit and wait :| x...
My infection has come back!!! Again just got more antibiotics thrown at me :| Phoned to chase up my outpatient appointment and got told its still November, nothing has been done to bring it forward!...
Wow Yanoula saying you must be fed up is an understatement! My infection has cleared up but now i'm suffering from inflammation and only thing the doctors can do is prescribe me strong painkillers....
Thanks for the reply LLPLUV. Did they ever do any tests on you to find any reason for the recurring infections? Were the infections related in any way to polycystic kidney disease? I'm currently...
Hi there, i am a 23 year old female and have been suffering from recurrent UTI's for over 5 years now however recently things have taken a turn for the worse and i've been hospitalised for...
BethEllen I know exactly how you feel. Before i started getting sick all the time i was a full time student in my 3rd year at university, i worked part time and i was out having fun with friends. I...
Thank you everyone for your words of support. Unfortunately my doctor already filled out a depression questionnaire with me and came to the conclusion that i am depressed but is still reluctant to do...
To cut a long story short i have been ill for sometime now with recurring infections, fatigue, muscular and joint pain, and my doctors cannot find anything wrong with me. Being ill 95% of the time...