Thanks for the reply. Always nice to know your not alone. But, I *did* do a few things that were pretty high on the inmorality scale and I could have gone to jail for if the people I wronged/hurt...
Wanted to add: I've read somewhere that Lexapro can "fix" the receptors between brain cells over time. In other words, when you go off it your brain might be in better shape and more able to keep the...
I'm on 10MG of Lexapro. From what I've read that dose is the most comon, even for people with very high depression. I have had low grade depression all my life with a big depressive episode about...
Thanks for the input. I've done some pretty extensive reading on Lexapro and it's a fairly new drug that targets the uptake (when it stops doing it's thing) of Serotonin in the brain. Doesn't produce...
From what I've read Lexapro does help OCD but I'm not sure about ADD. I would also figure that ADD symptoms can be caused by depression/anxiety or even OCD, so treating those could help the ADD. It's...
That's what the physcologist told me, and I asked him several times to be sure- To take the Neurontin as needed up to 3 times a day at 2 pills per dosage (300mg per pill). I asked again if I only...
The way I understand it (?) your body doesn't build up a resistance to Lexapro, since it's not a narcotic but rather targets how soon Serotonin is re-absorbed? Drugs like volume do cause you to build...
A very kind and forgiving response. Thanks for that. I plan to print it out and read it over again whenever I feel the need to. I know that depression warps the mind and many times makes things...
Suffering from depression anxiety and on Lexapro now for it. Just curious if anybody has any good resources for dealing with guilt/depression from the "bad guy's" perspective, as most of the...
At first I thought it was just the depression but lately I've read references to people being on Lexapro putting things off (work, school, etc). I've had the same issue lately even though my mood is...
I've been diagnosed with depression and some anxiety, though I still wonder if I'm more bi-polar than uni. I don't have any real "highs" but when I'm "normal" I tend to ignore life issues. Anyway,...
Thanks for the replies. I just printed them out to read over so will reply more specificly later. The good news is that it's been about 3 and 1/2 weeks on the Lexapro and my mood/apetite appears to...
I originaly posted this is the depression forum, but the more I think about it the more it appears I am bi-polar. I know my brother has been diagnosed with it, so here goes... I'd much rather find a...
I'd much rather find a nutritional answer to my problem rather than taking drugs, so I'm hoping somebody with the knowledge can take a shot at diagnosing these symptoms and history......