Hey Dora! Welcome to the hardest part of your life. I always thought that the insecurities that coincide with being a high school student were rought, but the first year of college is the point in...
If this is actually a legit post, just tell him that you don't feel comfortable doing it. When it comes to your own mental health and stability, you have to be selfish at times. Be straight up--he...
I am in the EXACT same boat as you. I'm paddling hard on my side--you do your part...lol. Anyways, what I am doing is paying as little attention as possible to how much my current situation is a...
I have been living in Neverland trying my best to be Peter Pan as opposed to one of his lost boys for quite some time (Chico, CA). I have taken the steps to get out of here, which includes finding a...
leadershIP IP...
I am sure that you have also observed that this is a very common b-day. Looks as if we were both New Years love children of sorts...lol. Personally speaking for myself, I believe that the depression...
[color=green>I was] [b][color=#008000>I] ). I will never, ever grow up as long as I stay here. [b][color=#008000> 150 miles away, but I would get paid more and wouldn't have to be on call all of the...
The insecurities of being a teeanger. Male or female: They are there no matter what. I wouldn't feel too 'freakish' about the whole thing. There are many other kids who are going through the same...
Hey Hey!!!! I am pretty sure that I was a happy kid. When I have recollections of my upbringing, I only remember the good things. I think that I can pinpoint it to my senior year of high school. My...
It is really hard to accept that you need them. I can accept that when I am at my lowest but can't when I am at my highest. Unfortunately, if you have some psychiatric condition it will probably be a...
Good to read about you all! Soo many that sound like they are going through what I am going through. My name is Joseph, I am 26 years old and live in Northern California. I have been diagnosed with...
I used to do that all of the time. I liked how it would make it so you get drunker without having to drink very much. I would say that I have mixed the two a good hundred times and had a good hundred...
One thing that I loved about Lamictal is that I never felt the effects kick in. With Geodon and Abilify, I quit after the first dose or two as they just made me feel so doped up. I have noticed that...
[color=blue>Hello] [b][color=#0000ff>My] eighteen years old. I realize that this anxiety, nervousness and paranoia won't disapear this minute, but the cynic in me thought that it would be fun and...
Salutations Soccer Mom!!! I am actually new here too. From what I understand, anti-depressants can be dangerous for those with BPD. I have it myself. I have had different reactions with each...
The grass is always greener on the other side? I keep waiting for that to happen. I see myself living somewhere else--preferably a city such as Los Angeles or San Francisco (California born and...
Mine was a month ago. I turned 26. For some reason I find myself extremely depressed around my birthday. I think that it has to do with the fact that I am never happy with where i am in my life at...