I don't know the reason for the cravings but I also go through the midnight hunger pangs - I don't give in - but I wake up in the morning like I hadn't eaten for days. I would like to know where they...
That really helps not to mention my stress level going up because my sugar is up - I usually walk about[b] 10 minutes after I wake in the morning. I will try a light breakfast as you suggest and see...
I need to ask the doc. I guess in my mind - for myself - I feel like I am failing if I begin taking these injections - yet the weight is not coming off quick enough - maybe I will give myself a...
Hi Warren I am new at this and I have to make the decision of trying the byetta and I am not sure whether to do it or not - Just wanted to get some input to help with my decision Thanks lbtb...
taking it - she already approached me with it - but I just went for nother A1C test and I see her again on Weds. thanks for responding talk to ya soon - Is there ever a time that a live chat is...
Hi....LBTB here - I am a new member. Just diagnosed with Type 2 - not sure what to say but just that I was doing great at first I am now going thru ups and downs trying to figure how to deal with all...