hi all this is bob (deb is here too) I am going to the prostate clinic tomorrow afternoon for the biopsy. I am really not very nervous this time around but deb is still not doing very well. she had...
hi KW i have been following your incontinence journey but had not thought to encourage bob to do them now, so obvious but not...will speak to him about that tonight, thanks for your thoughts and good...
nine days until bob's 2nd biopsy and tension is building. bob is cranky and quiet and not very communicative. i am nervous, tired and feeling his tension; stuggling with new depression meds and...
hello all, deb here checking in at the midway mark to the next biopsy - 18 days to go and counting. bob and I have been pretty relaxed to this point and he still seems to have his emotions in check...
I am pre-diabetic, have made major life changes in the last 3 weeks: gone on a high fibre (34 g of fibre a day), low salt, low fat, low sugar diet with low calories to lose weight (eating lots of...
HI from Canada a health issue like this speaks it's own language I reckon - my husband is Canadian Chinese while i am a transplant from Adelaide South Australia. we are undiagnosed at the moment but...
will do Lee and Buddy, i come here everyday now to learn, to belong and sometimes to cry. we are so blessed to have found all of you here. take care deb...
thanks for the answer- appreciate it...
what is PCOS Sandy? deb...
hi Sandy thanks so much for the response, that is just the kind of info i was curious about . since this post i have read that metformin can affect the liver in some people and i am already on a...
thank you so much Lee for this post, it really cheered me up and put things in perspective. i really appreciate the time you took to post it....
Hi Dave: thanks so much for the prayers I am a new christian and find myself praying at the oddest times and in the oddest places but it seeems to keep me on a more even keel when i do that. however,...
hello all Have any of you who are pre-diabetic or are in the know had experience with going onto either metformin or Avandia to prevent the onset of diabetes? I have read a few articles about this...
Lanie thanks for the response quick comment: aren't you hungry in the evening if you don't have a carb with supper? I am already only consuming about 1300 calories and i am hungry off and on during...
well hiya back Phishbowl thanks for all the positive feedback, it made my day. I have lots of other health issues - high bp (taking meds), high cholesterol (taking meds) and many more, so i am very...
just realized my signature shows up here: my husband Bob and i post together on the prostate board, so those are his stats at the end of this post. this is my first time posting here and could really...
[img]/community/emoticons/mad.gif H ello all I received bloodwork last October which came back pre-diabetic, so high readings but not high enough to say I am diabetic. i just attended a diabetic...
Hello all well we had our appt with the new urologist today. it was a real treat to be in the presence of a 'real' doctor esp after our experience with the last 2 drs. He talked to us about his...
Hi Lee and buddy etal Feeling a little better this week but still having problems with the side effects of lithium, don't like that at all but it is proven to work well with imipramine which i have...
hello all this is deb, bob's wife sorry i have not posted a reply sooner but I have been unwell. have had a history of depression and one has just hit me up the side of my head. bob is worried about...
I don't know if this significant but bob didn't have a tradional biopsy, it is a three month wait here for a biopsy...the dr guided his finger with the needle thing and felt the spots to take samples...
Bob only had on DRE 3 years ago, no PSA done and he procrastinated and had this latest one done because of the symptoms, psa 13.8. that is all we have to go one he now knows not to wait to get this...
I am Bob's wife we have had a hard time with the possibility that he had prostate cancer i am having a tough time emotionally even now after the good news i hope someone can answer my questions 1/ is...
Well I received the results of my biopsy today. None of the 6 cores taken were positive for cancer. Prostate is not enlarged, only a very subtle rough spot. Dr does not know why i have all these...
well that is over with. urologist just used 6 needles, is that ok?? he could feel a bumpy spot this time and took samples of that spot. Is 6 enough, I see lots here who have 8, 10 or 12? comment...
biopsy is today at 5pm, I am nervous. i won't get the results for about 1 week. how do you all cope with the waiting? my wife is a huge mess, she is terrified. the waiting is causing a lot of anxiety...
I saw the new urologist this morning. He did another DRE and felt a bumpy area, he booked me right away for a biopsy which is happening next Wednesday at 5pm. He was so different from the last one,...
I am seeing a new urologist tomorrow. have planned what I want to say and just have to see what he says. report back here tomorrow night it is so good to have place to come and share and be informed...
thank you to all of you for your encouragement and information. I have decided to call the urologist on Monday and request a course of antibiotics followed by a psa in 4 weeks. If he isn't...
I studied up before going to the urologist and I got it pretty clearly that psa 13.8 wsa not good. the dre showed only a slightly enlarged prostate which the dr said was not significant. I asked...
he did not mention a prostate infection and did not put me on antibiotics. bob...
age 57, in excellent health have symptoms including: weak urinary stream, not emptying bladder, up 2 times a night to pee, painful ejaculation, burning sensation when uriniating had a psa 2 weeks ago...