Hi, I dont know if this helps or not, but he could be embarrased that something is wrong. When my seizures started, i would "keep time to the music" with my head. Or thats what I told my parents...
Your right about Grand Mals messing up a day! I used to have them at night. I do however remember the ones I had during the day..Man talk about messing a day up! At least at night all you have to do...
Seizures scare everyone I think. At least they do me. My sister had a brain aneurysm a few years ago. She was one of the lucky ones whose was caught before it killed her. Since then she has had more...
After trying dilantin, phenobarbital, meberal was the only one that worked for me....
Hi, I have been reading your forum latley and decided to join up. I was diagnosed with epelipsy when I was 6. I am now in my 50's. The medicines I take are Meberal - 100 mg x 3 and Zarontin 100 mgs x...