So basically stress can cause seizures? Great, now that gives me one more thing to worry about! Thinking about this is going to cause me stress. I'm going to be stressing out over the possibility of...
To your knowledge, is lifting weights a no-no with seizures, or is it totally unrelated?...
Have any of you heard of Lamictal?...
What are some ways I can reduce my stress?...
How have you found additional stress effecting your condition? I'm getting married soon and my stress level has gone up tremendously....
What is all of your average mgs/day you take? I'm at 1300/day for Epilepsy (plus 3600/day for Chrons) and I've wondered for a long time how much is too much. Any thoughts?...
ED? Doesn't sound pleasant. How do you deal?...
Could these be related to stomach pain?...
Thanks for the response. No, I haven't had any of those side effects (fingers crossed) but I've gotten stomach pain all of a sudden. It's like how your stomach feels when you are really hungry,...
Hello all. I have been on Dilantin for Epilepsy for 15 years now. Have any of you been on this a long time and had any side effects? My stomach is hurting me and I wanted to know if you faced this....