Thank you for all your information. It has really helped me. I have never been able to drive so if, with surgery, I was able to do that, It would be great!! I do have another question...Has your...
I think it was Phelbartol (sorry about the spelling, english was not my favorite subject)...
To the point, I don't like depakote! I was able to get "immune" to all the other meds i've tried. But ever since I takened it, I've been feeling high as a kite (not in the good way either), dizzy,...
Thank you for your info. I hope you don't mind that i ask more questions. How long did it take to recover? I mind how long did it take till you were able to work (if you do)? That's another one of...
I've tried all those except for Zorontin. I've also been on nuerontin (major depression), and a few others that i can't think of the name right now. There was one that i was taking that had real bad...
[i][u]4 meds. Dilantin, lamictal, depecote & gabitral (excuse the spelling). My doc has told me that i'm running out of options and it look like it's time to take the next step "[u]surgery "!...