hi jess, i am new to the board. so i know this is an old forum but wanted to ask a question - are things better? did your son respond to the meds? i have an 19 month old with epilepsy - he had...
thanks so much for responding. i did send you an email this morning. thanks so much! this is a big help to know someone else is out there with the same concerns! amy...
haven't thought about the diet yet - some friends of ours are trying it on their 18 month old - not going well - its hard when they are so little. we see an eptileptologist - at children's hospital...
kason's last VEEG was 3 weeks ago - he didn't sz though. they left it on for a really long period of time. we haven't put him in the monitoring unit at childrens since surgery - we might do that. But...
Hey, kason does take naps every day, ususally good ones. sometimes the szs happen at nap time as well. they are only when he is falling asleep. he also cries REALLY hard during the entire thing. the...
my son was having 100+ seizures a day since birth, at 4 months of age he had epilepsy surgery to remove his right temporal lobe. he was seizure free for 8 months, but has started them again. they are...