My daughter sees colors which represented partial seizures, mainly purple and blue sometimes rainbows....
Before my daughter went for surgery we went to a healer. He told us that she took his energy very well and that the colors would go away,that never happened. What does the yantra do? Do you have to...
Victoria is still having some vision lost on her left side, it comes and goes. Yesterday she had four episodes. Today she said nothing. Reducing the steroids alittle more and seeing the doctor...
My daughter had her surgery on Friday Nov. 10th to have the intercranial with leads done, it was about a six hour procedure. She was put into ICU after and the data started to register on the...
Please read epilepsy and JPA Brain Tumor, that has a brief outline about what my daughter has been through....
My a six hour procedure. She was put into ICU after and the data started to register on the seizures she was starting to have. On Saturday the doctors came in to say that they were getting good data...
Have you read Epilepsy and JPA Brain Tumor ?...
Don't be ashamed, you can have fun. You probably know that you should not drink with the medication. I know that you want to be like all the others , but your true friends should support you. Hey put...
Hi I am new here and I hope someone can me some information if they have been through the samething my daughter is going through. My Daughters name is Victoria she is 10 now. We go to New York...