Gina, I'm so glad to hear you are going to tell the doc everything. Sounds like you have a good man(your husband) keeping an eye on you. Remember it is tough on him too. At times I took my...
Gina94stang Sorry that this is happening to you. Please know that it does get better. i know it is so hard not to be able to drive. I feel the same way about not being the mom I would like to be for...
I understand how you feel. I thought I was the only one with uncontrollable mmod swings. I am so irritable at times, esp. if alot of noise is around. Anyone else? I wish I knew if these are regualr...
I experienced complex partial seizures for over 5 years before any doctor diagnosed me. They began short, maybe 10-20 seconds and eventually lasted 45 sec to a minute. I would have a strange feeling...