Has anyone tried Acupuncture treatment? I'm thinking seriously of having some treatments for my back condition and my arthritic knees, and I hear it may help fibro, too? My daughter is a technician...
Oh, you poor thing! I have to say I had all of those symptoms just about this time of year a couple of years ago, and hubby was so alarmed that he took me to the ER. It was a virus that was going...
My PCP diagnosed me first, but I see a Family Medicine specialist at a local orthopedic clinic for my fibromyalgia. That sounds weird, I guess, but my doc at the orthopedic clinic has long been a...
Words to remember, thank you. I'm printing that out and hanging it on the wall! Jane...
Hi, I'm a new member and this is my first post, and this is a subject that has been a problem for me. About three years ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and put on Synthroid. I had awful side...