Hi gina I also have FMS for 8 yrs I am new to this site and the replys I got were so helpful . Please stop trying to prove yourself to everyone it will only stress you more and make your FMS worse.I...
Thank you everyone for your replys it makes me feel so much better when i hear from you.My family are great but it is so hard for them to really understand what i am going through . I have five...
You got some great advise, I am also going through the same thing I have five children and a great husband like yours . I would say take one day at a time, rest when you can and taking a walk even a...
Thank you for your reply i will ask my doc , I am living in Ireland so it is great to hear any advice from people going through the same things i am so please please write again . Khalin....
/community/emoticons/cry.gif hi everyone new to forum, i have fibro symptos for eight years now . It started with cheast pain so bad i thought i was having a heart attack .I want to many hospitals ,...