To be honest, memory loss can be just memory loss. I have have more with the fibro. Also a combo of drugs can cause various side effects. I have been taking it for awhile. It is not the best drug but...
if you are not satified with your doctor get a new one. Doctors need to listen to the patients. I go to mine in a few weeks. I tell him what I need and he will give what I want. Never back down and...
I have trouble focusing when doing certain activities or listening at times. It is just called " the fog ". At times people think you are just stupid or being rude. I also get ringing in my ears....
Thanks for all the information. I will probably get my meds adjusted. I need help with this....
I have an appointment in April. I am thinking of uping my Neouritin. Should I ? Exercise only helps so much. I have been losing weight and eating better but I still have issue like not being able to...
Hello I am new. I was diagnosed last May but it took me two months to believe the doctor. I had a long illness with bronchitis after that my pain stayed. It was like taking a steroid and still having...