do any of you have any problems with loss of motion with your arms or left leg seems to not want to work as it should Let me know what you think...
Hi Patsie, Just picking up my problems tripping on rugs yet...
Do you guys have a problem with this....I can't get out of chairs without help or climg stairs or steps anymore...have trouble picking up my feet. Let me know what you think...
Do any of you sometimes feel like you have the shakes....even though you can't see yourself just feel that way expecially after walking or some other exercise... I seem to have this...
Does motrin seem to help more with the pain than tylenol does.....I do not want to get hooked on any narcotics and would like to stick with over the counter, but I've got to get better able to walk...
I don't know if the doctor's help or not Stari. Everything they have done for me so far, has not seemed to help and the stuff they have given me has seemed to hurt....some of the things on here...
After two weeks on it, it gave me the runs, made me feel like what I just did, and I got to where I could not eat anything or drink anything. Also, I seemed to have increased fatique level. I stoped...
Thank you for the info....
are there ever any days when it doesn't hurt or when the flares are not bad... how long can a flare last...sometimes, I can't get out of my chair and have trouble getting off of the toilet and then 5...
My insurance company would not approve cymbalta so the doctor has prescribed topomax but only up to 50 mg at bed time. Anyone on here have any experience with this drug??...
Hi, I have just recently been diagnosed with fibro....originally they thought it was PMR but the steroids didn't help they actually made it worse (I know have steroid myositis which I hope will go...