Every day pain radiates through my body. I cry myself to sleep every night because the pain is so bad. I can't remember the last time I was happy. I've no friends and my life sucks. It's been this...
I didn't realize that there was a risk to combining Savella and Tramadol. I've been taking the two together for a few months and nobody ever warned me of this possibility. But I don't think I've...
I've been on Savella for a few months and I haven't noticed a weakening effect. Medicines that do work for me tend to wear off after a couple months also. But one time I tried weaning off of Savella...
I've camped up in the Watertown before, but I forget the name of the place. I just remember riding 81 until the last exit to get there lol. I live about 30 minutes south of Syracuse, in the Cortland...
I definitely have fibro fog, it seems like every other time I get up I walk a few steps and forget what I'm doing. This is really frustrating since I used to remember all the important stuff. Now I...
Oh good! I thought I was crazy when it was 80 out and I was roasting with freezing hands :tongue: I live in upstate NY where the four seasons are very prominent. But hey, at least I get fresh maple...
Hi Robin! I was going to be put on that blood pressure medicine until they saw that my blood pressure was really low. They said the side effects would be worse than the benefits. So I'm just wearing...
A few weeks ago I had to have ten (!) vials of blood drawn to rule out any and everything possible to guarantee that it's fibromyalgia. And they all came back clean, so fibro is the diagnosis (along...
I have an ok relationship with my parents. They believe that there's something wrong with me, but they won't let me get outside past doctors, vitamin d time, and after schooling. They say if I can't...
Hey Chutz, Yeah, I do take a multivitamin, I just forgot to mention it. Oops lol. I didn't really eat a balanced diet before since I survived on a lot on chocolate and pizza, now I'm doing a little...
Hi everyone... I'm Amanda and turned 18 about a month ago. I've had fibro for a little less than 4 years now. And it just keeps getting worse. New symptoms just keep appearing (which I noticed they...