Sheila I think you should go to the doctor, just to make sure nothing new is going on and to see if there's anything they can do for you. Good luck, I hope you find relief soon. P.S. when you have a...
I was having this pain again the other night. It was sharp stabbing not the prolonged aching I am used to. It was scary, but I know a lot of people with fibro get this. I'm glad my doctor gave the ok...
Sue, here's the link to the place I got my ribose powder. That's the cheapest I could find it anywhere (~17 grams for $45 I checked my local whole foods...
that wierd red face was supposed to be a thumbs up...
I started taking ribose powder a few months ago. Ribose is a precursor to ATP, which is the energy molecule used by your muscles. It takes a long time for your body to produce Ribose naturally, and...
happy cat thanks! i did feel rather empowered after i wrote that (typing one handed sorry no caps). reddiane well put, it is different for everyone, which is why we need to keep trying until we find...
Sheila I just posted a thread about my experience with pain meds and my doctor, you might want to check it out "A Rant: pain meds and health care professionals!" Jules...
Hello Everyone, I was diagnosed with fibro in 2007, and in 2008 after trying cyclobenzaprine, gabapentin, lyrica, SSRIs, tramadol, guaifenasen, alprazolam, lorazepam, NSAIDs, and prolly a few other...
Wakefullness problems like this in fibromyalgia are not associated with being bored or what you eat for lunch! (which are things you might suspect in a "normal" person). Many people with fibro get...
Sheila, I can totally identify with what you're feeling this morning. One of the hardest things for me is the pain and disturbing sensations that have no explanation. Last night I was up late with...