Hey again, we chatted a while ago... I'm feeling less depressed now, and while this has no professional merit, what helped me was showing my emotions to my close loved ones (and everyone else for...
I play with my established friends & family. Then I went through a period of having lots of superficial friends, whom I would try to hide my FM from. I did not form any permanent bonds with them, nor...
Sorry, I can't sympathize with the tummy tuck ELECTIVE surgery. I read your posts but still don't understand why you feel you need this. Why did you schedule one? I'm also worried that if you do go...
Thanks for all the responses. I just checked the poll. It looks like no one has been cured (big shocker). Weird how I keep hearing stories about how people will overcome this, and yet have never...
Its nice that this place exists to vent. How are you feeling now?...
The meds won't cure it and they'll only help it mildly. If you can, try to get off of meds and stabalize: save you money and your liver. It's silly that throwing pills at FM is standard procedure. Do...
YUP. I was on Lyrica for about a month and the whole time and after I experienced vision problems, that like you, ended up to be "fine" but a side effect of this drug. This was one of a plethera of...
I was on it for a year. The dr played with the dose ranging from 30-120mg. I found that at 60mg helped the most with the pain, but that I was even more fatigued than normal, and was a bit loopy/high....
My wish for what will be read, is that it either a) helps someone or b) helps me (via YOUR argument). With that in mind, this is what I do and do not know about FM and my body: NO one knows what FM...
Hey, It was good talking with you. In your list of problems, I cracked up while reading "chronic weirdness". I'm new to this site too. I might post something soon, if you would check it out. It'll...
Short answer: you don't hold down a job. Long answer: you fight uphill to prove your value until you get to a point where you can convince your employer to treat you differently--for example,...