Today is my first day on it and it has been good so far. It helped with most of my pain and also helped improve my mood. I am a little skeptical about antidepressants so just wondering what anyone...
wow thanks everyone! I didn't expect to get so much feedback. yeah I just have so many friends that are addicted to prescription meds and I don't want that for myself. I would rather see what else I...
Lilbro, I'm sorry for your loss. I also lost a cousin a few years ago to brain cancer. It's a horrible disease. And losing people is sooo hard. I couldn't agree more with you. sometimes I feel as if...
hahaha this made me smile :) I have had my hair turn orange a few times. But never blue! Props to you for having such a good spirit about it. Much Love...
Has anyone taken 5-HTP? Does it help? Any feedback would be wonderful about anything I can do that will make me feel better. Much Love...
I get the same feeling. light touch is almost unbarable. expecially on my back or ribs...
I can't begin to explain to you how similar my story is to yours. I have had a sever pain in my lower left ribs for over two years now. The doctors first thought I had pulled a muscle... but a few...
Thank you all so much for your replies. They have made my day :) Good to hear I uplifted some people. I agree with everything said. This is a very serious disease that can just be too much to handle...
Thank you all so much for your replies. They have made my day :)...
I have been through many traumatic experiences in the past five years. My life has not been easy. about a year ago I lost my big sister to cancer. I was only 17... and I was holding her hand when she...
My name is Heather and I am 18 years old. my story is somewhat similar. my parents got a divorce when i was 13 after watching them fight my whole life. my dad was abusive and my mom is an angel. I no...
Thats an amazing story. I, too am only 18 and have been sick since i can remember. i am convinced i have fibro. but am still in the process of finding a good doctor. thank you very much for uplifting...
congrats! im am only 19 but am convinced i have fibro or something of the sort. all the symptoms match up. but i live in a small town and have been to every doctor within a hundred miles of me and...