It is according to the form of your stool, Damithcol. Hard stools to pass with horrible cramping is my Ibs-C. I alternate between C & D but most C. The loose & watery stools with cramping is Ibs-D...
Hi there bettsann, I noticed in the chronic fatique forum you stated you had found a cure to your Ibs problems. Do you mind discussing this, as I've had it since I was old to know I was alive?...
Hi! I just wanted to share I am a believer too~and I do love our Lord so much! I do want to inform you I tried the Lyrica and didn't have luck with it due to so much weight gain. The morning after I...
[b]Please tell me the symptoms of SI joint disorder. I am being jerked around by doctors and am in so much pain. :cry:...
Hi CajunGrl, So sorry about your diagnose. I also have been diagnosed with RA around 8 years ago. Last December, I went to a Rheumy doc to finally try a treatment. I've been afraid to try anything...
Each person is different due to a strong or weak immune system. My doctor told me to stay away from it. He stated it can cause cancer. I pray all goes well for you because RA is no fun. RA and OA has...
My answer is YES! I've experienced it....
Are you Eric from I HOPE SO!!!...
I also have panic attacks while on the phone. It's like I get all out of breath, nervous and in a big hurry to hang up! :rolleyes:...