thanks for all your answers I will check out the lexapro i am overseas so the names are different. Yes it is very frustrating and I also can't hold a book for more that a couple of minutes. But it is...
I have been having trouble with my eyes lately. My eyes tire very quickly start hurting and then I start to get a headache. This happens especially when I try to read. It has come to the point where...
I don't know what to say i also get a sore neck and headache diziness and sometimes the diziness can be helped by a med for vertigo. but mostly Gentle and supportive hugs and a prayer that this bad...
I have not had success in dieting since about a year after i was diagnosed 6 years ago and i have been on some very restrictive diets that have me eating next to nothing. I spoke with a dietician who...
thanks for all your support i have had doctors telling me for years to walk and i have tried the little bit at a time but it doesn't work so much for me but maybe it is time to try again. I move in...
I hear you I also don't like feeling like an old lady when i have not gotten there yet and it doesn't look natural for me to walk with a cane I had to do that when i was 18 and i hurtt my back the...
Robin, I gave him a big hug, actually i give him a lot of hugs he is a great wonderful boy with a beautiful soul. He is becoming a teenager so I pray a lot that he won't change too much. I don't use...
HI All, I forgot to add that i have very painful hips and moving them while walking or anything else any kind of stretching is very painful One Day...
Hi All, I have been reading over a bunch of the last threads and I see that everyone walks everyday and I don't understand how you do it. I mean I am on my feet a lot of the day dealing with my five...
where I live I have found that the neurologists know a lot more about treatment of fibro as opposed to the rheumatologists.. They know more about the different meds that can be used, the...
Shirley, It makes a lot of sense to me and i also feel that for the all the pain i suffer i am a better person, more understanding of other people's pain, more empathetic. Last year i studied to...
Hi All, I am in need of some support, I was lying down yesterday ( because getting up was to hard and to dizzy) and as a religious person wondering why this is the life g-d planned for me., why does...
I also wake up early between 4:30 and 5:30 at the latest and of course i go to bed around 9-10/ I find that the clonex that i take for sleep gives me a finite number of hours and then the pain wakes...
Hi All, thanks, i went to an ear nose and throat doctor today who said i have to stop the one medication that helps me ( mostly with sleep, ocassionally with headache or other pain when it is over...
Hi All, I woke up this morning with a splitting headache, I hadn't even gotten out of bed yet, I hate it when that happens. Does anyone out there also have vertigo and did it happen along with the...
Trying to stay afloat is a good analogy, somedays are so hard how do stay calm and not lose it, sometimes they are my greatest strentgth and comfort and sometimes i want to walk out of the house...
Shirley and Karen, Thanks so much for answering my post. I have been searching for people who could understand what i am going through for a long time. I have found that if you don't have it you...
Been there a lot...
I have for sure noticed a connection between times of emotional stress and fibro flare ups, sometimes it almost feels like someone is injecting me with pain. stress is not a good thing for me at all....
I am new to this forum and I was wondering if any of you out there have small children that you also have to take care of in addition to your self and your illness. I have 5 children ranging in age...
I have was diagnosed 6 six years ago and from what i have seen it gets worse in that there always seem to be more problems arising, I was very religious about gentle excercise until i had a car...
Hi, Lisa I struggle with weight myself like many of use and have found that the traditional methods just don't do it. the Question in my mind it how do our bodies that are in so much pain, and i know...
Hi All, I am new to this forum and i have been struggling with this topic for a long time. I gave up wearing nice looking shoes a long time ago it is either crocs or sneakers and sometimes i find...