I'm another one that could never tolerate artificial sweetners and I have Fibro. I hope you stay with this sight ,I believe we all are fearful about this disease and we are all looking for answers,I...
Thank you for responding,I will keep all this in mind! I did go over the other "What else could it be" I looked everything up and I believe I have been tested for most and that is why I'm being...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif Went to dr yesterday and he took me off work for 2 months for testing and therapy! I had missed so much work lately I don't have anymore sick time or vac. time! My body...
/community/emoticons/smile.gif I take skelaxin, it helps me @ night ,I have muscle cramps in my left leg everynight skelexin helps me to sleep! I will take 1/2 @ work if I need it and it helps a...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif I feel like I have something in my eye alot, I don't have pain in my face but I do feel sparks going off in the back of my head ,it comes from my neck to the very back...