Hi Fibroprof and welcome to the board I'm a newbie here myself being recently diagnosed and I have the achilles tendon problem 2... sometimes sooo severe to the point where i cant walk for 2/3 days...
I get this hip pain too both sides the right seems more prominent though. a deep paralyzing pain where you cant move. Doesnt wake me up at night or anything but i cant get out of bed at all without...
I would use witch hazel in that area. its safe and natural. I avoid baths i know my g/fs have problems with infections sometimes and have to get monistat or vagisil. I know that jacuzzis pools and...
i get both the little muscle spasms.. my son will put things on my arm or leg and see if it jumps all the way off usually it jumps all day in the same spot off and on..especially my right knee,,,...
Hi. im not sure if this is the same thing as your neck pain but if you turn your head back and forth from side to side it sounds like rubbing two ceramic plates together and you can hear clicking and...
I tore my para-spinal muscle in my lower back almost 2 years ago so yes i think it does have a may weaken your muscles strength. i have been experiencing fibro symptoms for 3 years...
My body is so sensitive to meds i stopped taking everything except what my neuro told me to take while i wait for my xray results to come back for my i get the tingling hands...