I know what you mean!! Mine kept getting swept under the rug as panic attacks and anxiety.... Which I'm sure it is to some extent...
See I have had what I consider to be a loose diagnosis.I have had tons of bloodwork and triggerpoint tests. Also reflex and neuro exams.. But not an MRI.. I guess I worry about my symptoms mimicking...
Did all or many of you have to get a MRI or CT scan before your diagnosis to rule out other problems? Thanks in advance Xx Stevie xx...
Annie I also am from Australia and yes I think we are blessed living in our sunny climate:) although NSW is a bit on the chilly side right now. It also makes all the difference that we have loving...
Yay for all us Aussies:)...
Omg I am so glad I'm not the only one who has pain who can't decide where it wants to live:) thought I was a freak, it is loving my legs and ribs ATM...
Thank you:) yes today I am going to a family party which will be a great distraction. Three hours sleep and ready to go:) Xx Stevie xx...
....and that the pain will swap places on different days!! Is this normal?...
I honestly did not think this diagnosis would effect me this much and have the pain effect me so badly! I was so optimistic last week, but after the worst leg pain last night.. I found myself just...
Definately not alone Hun,I find this site so comforting and helpful.Everyday seems to bring along a new symptom! Very frustrating, today it's leg muscle cramps from my butt to my toes:) ahhhhh..and...
This was one of my first problems. It was a muscle ache and weakness I can't shake/stretch off. I have had to give up my sketching for a while:( But I'm sure I will find another hobby:) we must stay...
Because I'm very new to all this I am tossing up on who to tell. Mostly just my close friends and family who I am around on a daily basis. I am 26 and I don't think many of my friends would really...
Yeah that's the strange part.. The pathologists always have trouble finding a decent vein lol? It probably depends on the time or is a hormone fluctuation....
It's crazy right!! I am rather pale though:)...
No I only got my first solid diagnosis this week and didn't mention it at the time as it comes and goes. Wow so it's not imaginary:) I thought at first it may be hormonal,but I think I may mention it...
Has anyone noticed that often their veins have become more prominent? Maybe it's just me lol Xx Stevie xx...
Ok so.....for the last few months I have noticed that during a flare my nipples have kinda lost colour, almost a pale dusky shade? The doc thinks it's another fibro trait. Have any of you experienced...
Hey there, I am from the central coast in NSW and have just got my firm diagnosis this week! I too have a curve in my spine...weird huh? It's all so confusing. Xx Stevie xx...
The crawly skin is the worst thing I have discovered, and this has only come on recently. It actually makes my skin almost hurt/burn to wear clothes!! I think some of the first doctors and my hubby...
Very encouraging! I am definately a girl who goes after what she wants lol:) as you say the pain will be all worth it!...
Now here is another question for you ladies out there, being a newlywed, my husband and I have been trying to start a family..however I do have polycystic ovarian syndrome and have already...
Thank you for your kind words..right now I feel a little overwhelmed by how quickly this can come on! But I guess I have to grin and bear it and find what works, as I said baths seem to really help...
Well after a year of awful pain, I had a doctor start testing me for fibro this week. I had never even heard of it, but he said i sound like a text book case.I honestly thought I was going crazy! I...