when I get up, it takes about 5 min to "work the stiffness out" before I can walk normally. If i sit too long, it will be the same. there's really always a level of pain again, it's definately not...
Hi everyone~ My BP is stable - thank you Jesus - and I'm just learning about how fibro manifests itself with me. My new fibro diag. experience is exactly like my BP diagnosis. Once I got my diagnosis...
(I also have fibromialgia) Doc put me on it about 3 weeks ago to help both diagnsis, and withing the last week and a half, I have developed an exhaustion like I have never felt. Anyone have the same...
My goodness, everyone is so sonderfully supportive. What a blessing. I had a light-bulb moment and would likek everyone's opinion - could my newly brought on sleepiness be from the Lyrica???? I've...
Hi everyone~ I''m new, and actually joined HealingWell because I have Bipolar 1. I had a recent hospital stay for my BP and after, was in an awesome daily program that used a wonderful young...