Are you having any other symptoms? It might be worth going to a doc for if you are....
thanks for the responses. It would'nt rly bea boarding house or a group home, like I said that would be impossible for me and unnecessary. I'm just trying to figure out to get roommates one day that...
o rly what if i worded it differently? and ty...
Firstly i know its a farfetched idea. i want to start a group home or something of the like for people with these types of chronic illnesses. they have them for recovering Firstly i know its a...
Firstly i know its a farfetched idea. i want to start a group home or something of the like for people with these types of chronic illnesses. they have them for recovering alchoholics,...
First off I know its a farfetched idea. i want to start a group home or something of the like for people with these types of chronic illnesses. they have them for recovering alchoholics,...
Yes! i'm 22 and only have 13 credits. its very hard to go to school being so tired. or do anything else for that matter. i have no family to support me and no freinds. i aslo have gastroparesis which...
thanks for the replies, i hope i find an answer soon cuz i had to quit my math class today, im really bumbed....
when i dont eat meat i get widespread pain, shaky, stabbing headaches, shortness of breath, and eventually il be in so much pain i wont be able to stand it and il have to eat meat. only thing that...
mmm, uve given me something to think about, i will have to try hard to keep gluten out of my diet. thankyou very much i appreciate your response....
i know exaclty how u feel about the fatigue i have severe dibilating fatigue at only 22. have u tried vit. c it helps me but only if i take a higher dose and i havent taken it for a long time not...
I'm glad you found an answer to your problems. I was tested for celiac sprue by my gastro dr. but it was negative. Do you know if there are any other tests for celiac, cuz all the symptoms u...
tinnitus which i have sometimes too and it also can be related to small intestinal bacterial overgrowth...
My eyes have gone blurry a few times even though i have 20/20 vision. It could be related to small intestine bacterial overgrowth if i have it cuz i ve read that happens to people with it alot...
Yes! almost actually. Im 99% sure i have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth(SIBO), i get the results this thursday. I took a hydrogen breath test from my gastroenterologist, shouldve been the...