Not long. Like a week and a half probably....
Hey all, I was recently diagnosed with severe fibro in February (and Monday I will be 25 years old). I have tried several meds with really minimal improvement thus far. I have some weird stuff going...
For sure. I appreciate your help and support. I'm glad to have found this forum....
After miserably waiting for years, I finally have a true diagnosis. Yesterday I was diagnosed with severe fybromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as being borderline bipolar. Though I truly...
I'm about to leave! Throw up a few prayers for me!...
Thanks! I have been waiting over a year but it's finally appointment is only 5 hours away!...
I finally get to have my first appointment with the rheumy tomorrow. I'm so excited...we will see if I finally get a diagnosis...I just want some relief!! /community/emoticons/smile.gif ...
Thank you. I will definitely take my meds as soon as I get home. Hopefully that will help. Thank you so much...I know I ask a ton of questions lol. Hopefully next week I will finally be heard and get...
Thanks for your quick reply. So they nausa and dizziness could be anxiety related? I have anxiety meds but now that you mention it...I did forget to take it the last few days. I just know that I feel...
I feel like that describes me and I haven't even been diagnosed yet......
Right now I feel dizzy, nauseous, and foggy is this a normal fybro. symptom? If so, what do you do to feel better? I'm pretty miserable right now......
It's like when someone is talking to me I struggle to focus on them. I have to be overly intent to listen to what they are saying. It's like my vision is fine...but I'm still not really able to see...
Sorry, I'm just full of questions! I finally have an appointment set for 2/1/12 so hopefully I can find out more information there as to what is going on. I've been struggling the last couple days...
Thank you everyone I appreciate your words more than you could know. Good news!! All my information has now been sent and I will be getting a call next week with an appointment time. I've never been...
I'm struggling a lot lately in search of trying to get an answer. My doctor had stated previously that they were going to refer me to a rheumatologist is now not responding to faxes or calls...
Have you tried miralax? Nothing else has really worked for me without being extremely painful. Miralax always seems to calm things down for me ( even though sometimes it takes a couple days). I would...
bayoub2 said... No NO No you are not certainly sounds like fibro or CFS/ME and there are no definitive tests for it, it is diagnosed by excluding everything else. Anti depressants are...
Chrissyfwb said... Knee pain is a CLASSIC symptom of Lyme.. All of your symptoms plus the knee pain you would be clinically diagnosed with Lyme by any doctor that knows anything about lyme in my...
I'm so mentally and physically worn out and it's making me irritable...and being irritable makes me frustrated, and getting frustrated makes me depressed. LOL I'm just a mess!!!...
My primary care doctor did a series of blood tests and he said the only thing that was a little off was my white blood cell count (but it wasn't low enough to be concerning). Everything else...
Please excuse the glitch in my poll. Not sure what happened there... Sorry!...
I apologize for the length of this I tried to condense it as much as possible...I am in desperate need for answers... My primary care doctor is referring me to be seen by a rheumatologist here in...