Hello everyone, I too having been feeling this sensations and I am scared! I feel it on the left side of my face in the cheek area and I feel this tickling feeling like someone is running a piece a...
[tr ][td class=Msg width="95%"]Hi, I too am having different things I’m feeling along with the muscle aches, burning sensations in both arms where it switches up and move around to different areas....
Thank u both for answering, I was wondering if I was just tripping /community/emoticons/smile.gif !! LOL.....guess I will have to go thru it.....and fine a better way. When it stops for a while, I...
Hi, Yes it's me again......Just wanted to know if you feel that annoying pain all day or does it come & go? Up in the left armpit, both in the corners of the arm and right in the armpit. It's all...
That was so sweet....thank u....I needed that /community/emoticons/smile.gif !!! I'll go read fibro 101 right now thanx............
hI Deepwell, You are True your name.... /community/emoticons/smile.gif !! I was crying as I read your comment....I want to thank you for taking the time to answer & share with me!! As I fight...
This message is to you Kimliz59, I too have had pain in my left armpit and along side my breast. I also feel pain in my shoulder & in my chest & back. My muscles ache me in my upper left,...