thanks pain in my forearms is reaching to the point of..almost no sleep...pain is severe in the night..not good at all...I honestly dont know where to start to seek help as to...
I have never asked my doctor if it could be do they get that diagnosis..and is there anything to take for this the pain in my forearms gets unbearable..mainly at...
ok thanks..just feel the pain is very deep and severe..and keeps me up..i do have a very bad lower back from overworking it...i.e. pulling calves on the farm..just not sure how my back...
Hi RobinI too have this almost debilitating at night in my forearms...pretty much at my end..during the day..when i use my arms..always know my arms are working as there is an uncomfortable...
my pain is so intense in my forearms..and i am getting no answer....i am awake most of the night due to this is generalized to my forearms..from my elbows down..when i extend my arms..i have...
i just joined this site..i am desperately seeking help...i have excrutiating pain in my forearms..that keeps me up...i dont sleep..pls does anyone else have this same pain..and i can deal with...