For my fellow sufferers....seems interesting, yet, are they any closer to finding a way to help??!!
Hi, Anyone apply for life insurance and get denied? I recently applied and am awaiting hopefully good news that my application was approved, but I have heard stories of many ppl being denied bc of...
For the most part I have pain all over but most of the time I have this excruciating left shoulder blade pain that goes up to my neck or base of my skull that makes me miserable. I have it...
...the thought of having to take a shower seems a hard thing to do :( God bless my husband!!!...
Hi womanimal, Welcome to the forum! I tested negative for MS during their search for Fibro and it is because many symptoms present in Fibro can mimic neurological diseases....quite honestly,...
Yes, almost all the ad flare ups Ive had have been after meals....for ome reason, maybe I am wrong, but I notice as I am lying down during a flare, that my stomach may be connected to how Im feeling....
Hi hpymomof3, I also have tested multiple times positive for non specific as it is, it is a marker that could be present in autoimmune diseases but it is also known to be positive in...
Also, whenever you write a post or reply to one, make sure you check the box that says include signature....that way it will be visible....
Hi Sicboy, no it is not exclusively a female disease, it just occurs less in males, affecting approx only 10% of the male population. Your best bet is to go to the doctor and have him thoroughly...
Hi Sicboy, what you describe sounds horrible and very familiar, although i mostly experience it when I am lying down or at rest, not so much as I move. Like someone suggested, you might want to be...
I was wondering if anybody has any sensitivity to certain foods or if certain foods which they eat cause you to have flareups? I was having a perfect day yesterday until last night when I went to bed...
Hi I'm really sorry to hear how much weight you've lost, as someone suggested maybe you should check your thyroid for overactivity. I Have been on Savella for about five months now and it has done...
I may relate with what you describe. I get horrible stabbing chest pains, but I am already used to that....lately I have been experiencing sharp shooting pains in my lower abdomen and back, not sure...
So sad to hear about your losses, no doubt that your flareups are from the stress and all the grief you continue to go through. I will pray for you as I believe you will benefit from it. God bless...
Honestly, there are so many things that can set off a flare up I wouldn't know which from the ones u mentioned, is the culprit....but I can tell you a week ago I was on antibiotics for only 3 days...
Ugh! They're terrible! Worst (for some reason) at night as I lay in bed...."ant crawling on me" feeling, skin burning, I feel like I have an outer layer over my skin, facial twitches, a terrible...
Okay so last night I went to bed and I was fine, feeling fine and all of a sudden I woke up (it's hard to describe what I felt like), the closest I can get to it is by Saying it felt like ants were...
Sounds like the perfect gift for me! :-) Enjoy!!...
I worked as a Medical Assistant during the worst times, when I had no idea what this pain was and let me tell you I know what you are going through.... I also went through a period of vertigo and...
I must say, and excuse me for this... that the thought of ending my life has crossed my mind on two Occasions while I was experiencing flare ups. I will not do anything because I have two kids, but...
I read a couple stories about people and how they noticed that fms pretty much snuck up on them. As For myself, I was wondering how you could be perfectly normal one day and be miserable the next. I...
Hey ladies, yes those are the ingredients which to me really made no sense, but you must hear the 'miraculous' testimonies people are giving. My neighbor says there are 3 females in her support group...
Hello all, I am not sure if you folks have heard of a drink called Asea, but it is supposed to help preserve our cells healthy and build our immune system. I honestly am not trying to promote or...
Hello Angel, I am sorry to hear about what you are going through, But you are in the right place as you are not alone. I was prescribed Savella about five months ago and I was started at a very low...
Hi, and welcome to the forum. I am sorry, but can you explain what Pots is?!...
Thank you all so much for the wonderful replies, I agree very much with you deepwell... hypothyroidism runs in my family, my father has it, his mom has it and my sister was recently diagnosed with...
Hi, I just joined this forum and pray To God that some of you are able to help me! I am a 33 year old female who was always in perfect health. I have not been officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia...