Hi Sherrine, Im interested in what muscle relaxer your taking and the dosage that works for you, also interested in the over the counter medications and supplements. thanks, still_aliveSherrine...
I have fragile skin on my fingers, it flairs to the point were it thins, cracks, bleeds and i worry about about picking up a super bug, so i rap them with "bantex" a cohesive safety tape. it only...
after several different doctors said that i should be on cymbalta two years ago for my fm, i gave it a try, with in a very short time i started felling different, sort of outside my body. this did...
i have severe burning on the soles of my feet from spring to midsummer and started looking at weather allergy medication could be to play now. I soak them in ice cold water and use a cooling gel but...
Thanks for your replies, I will look at the Fibro 101 on the weekend and thanks Sherrine for those sites I will also check them out. Mrsbugzy I have tried to keep to the basics as much as possible...
Hi, I’m new here but not new to fm. I was diagnosed in 1991, two years after being hit by a car as a pedestrian in a parking lot where I worked. My disability through cpp was rejected but I won the...