Oh, and btw, since acupuncture can be expensive, look up a "community acupuncture" place in your city, it is a fad spreading all over the country, you can pay as little as $15 and be treated in a...
I am sorry you are hurting, I also would like to have another child and am very curious about how it might go. I am not on too many meds now so I wouldn't have to deal with that part. Have you gone...
Thank you ladies, yes we do a lot of reading and cuddling too, and I am able to take him to the park and to parties and the pool, I would just like to be in less pain in order to enjoy it more...
Thats great to hear that you are at 85% Joy, how did you do it? What supplements? I have only been sick a few months and while I realize I am doing okay as far as fibro goes, I am nowhere near my old...
I have a 3 year old and he is the light of my life, but I feel like sometimes I can't be the mom I want to be anymore with this pain and fatigue. I was hoping other moms could share techniques. One...
I am new, and previously I worked full time and travelled a lot for work but honestly feel like I can only do either mornings or afternoons now. I mean, maybe I could scrape by but I would be in a...
I love acupuncture, I try to look at it as a cumulative pain benefit since sometimes I feel achy afterwards but better the next day. Community acupuncture places are awesome and usually have very...
I've been wondering about this too since I love to travel, and was hoping to visit a friend in Mexico and we also travel frequently to Chile to see my in-laws (yikes, its sometimes up to 20 hours of...
Yes, that's the one. I will look for that thread, thanks!...
Hi, I am new here, 33 year old mom, formerly extremely healthy, only dx recently after being sick for about 5 months. I want to travel to see a specialist but don't know where my nonexistent money is...