Thank you for your advice, I am trying to remain calm-- you are completely right about stress making it worse. Flares always exacerbate my anxiety, I am back on citalopram now to hopefully tackle...
LJM-- I am on 900mg gabapentin, but I take tylenol also. I don't know why, but I've been avoiding having any. I do have an ulcer, but I'm afraid it's not going to do anything so I've just not had...
Thank you for the well-wishes and perspective, guys. I am trying to stay positive. Hot showers have been really nice. I always forget just how nice until I'm in a flare. Really missing that hot tub...
Sorry to start another thread but the other one is weeks old now so I thought it might be silly to bump. Thank, for the kind replies guys about my vacation worries-- I'm happy to say I shared this...
I screwed up :( I knew about this trip for 4 months. I was taking it easy but a week and a half ago I let a friend's excitement convince me t take on a project for the trip that put my body (and my...
Thank you everybody for the responses. I live in northern California, and it is starting to get cooler. The weather is always very dry here, which I personally enjoy, but maybe my skin does not. I...
I haven't changed anything lately. I got a new bathrobe I've been wearing a lot starting last Friday, but that wouldn't explain the groin itching that started before I got it. I guess its not...
Hey all, I've been but lurking recently, but it looks like I might have a new symptom... I love to believe it's just something "normal" and fixable, but I'm not getting my hopes up. This horrible new...
Hi all, I am new here. I usually hang around the fibro forum, but I've had anxiety much longer :rolleyes: I was DXd in about 2003 after a major health anxiety episode. I've been on and off Celexa...
I am on 600mg at night for about a year, but lately have been feeling it might not be as effective. Have people found their dosage has gone up over the years, or stopped working?...
Well, its Tusesday evening! I felt pretty good yesterday and, predictably, overdid it, so I'm low again today. At least I got a bit done, and it sure was nice to not have to worry about work-work....
Maybe so... I guess I do feel a little better today. I should have a walk. Hopefully I can get a refill on medicine tomorrow, and at least I have 4 days total!...
For the last 2 months or so i have been having a Mini-flare in symptoms every weekend. I work full time, get excited I'm finally going to have a few days to relax and do some minor stuff around the...
I had never used marijuana before I got fibro. We live in california and my roommate has a card for a back injury so I tried it out. I have had some great results, and just got my medical card a...
This is going to be long winded, so I won't blame you if you skip it and read the TLDR summary at the end! So I've been trying to lose weight for various reasons, some health-related and some not......
As someone who struggles with health anxiety, what I have found most helpful over the years is to give myself a time limit of experiencing a symptom before I allow myself to be concerned. Barring...
Hi everybody! I am hoping to find some thoughts and opinions on this from fellow fibromites :-) I have read that yoga is one of the better exercises routines for fibro, both for the gentle stretching...
Sorry you are having a hard time...I have been on and off medication for my intense anxiety/mild depression for a long time as well, and I also find it very helpful. For me, I don't suddenly see the...
I can see not having pain free days, but I am wondering-- what are peoples background pain like? I know everyone's scale is different, but I am curious what peoples average day is like outside of...
Wow thank you everyone for the welcome! I know everyone has a lot to deal with, and a lot of you deal with so much more than me every day. One of the reasons I have been following this forum is...
My fibro pain started like this, in my wrists. Burning and aching, sometimes so bad it bet to pick up a cup or some papers!! I tried wearing a carpal tunnel brace(s) at night, but that seemed to make...
I'm a long time lurker but finally decided to make an account. Today is just a really bad day mentally and physically and I feel really alone. For se background, I was dxd with Fibro a year ago to...