Hi everyone thanks for the responses. The neighbors have improved most of the time. Holiday was more then usual which made things harder. It's not stress because I can play my music loud and no...
Sherrine - thank you for your response. I did forget my vitamins the day I did laundry so that definitely didn't help. I have spinal problems and inflammation problems. I've been dealing with my...
Luvzminis - thank you for your response I haven't been able to get into hobbies since I moved. Sitting is very painful and therefore quite limited. Eyesight is difficult so hard to do even jigsaw...
This year I started having a new problem. pressure starts to build up in my lower spine. Feels like a very bad case of constipation. At first that is what I thought it had to be. But it can happen at...
Every time I do a load of laundry I am in terrible pain the next day that just gets worse and worse. Not just 1 day only usually either. Did a load yesterday. So much pain now. I have neck...
Have u tried Espon Salts. I was getting frozen shoulders and now I rub espon salts. On my shoulders and neck at night after shower and no longer have that problem, when I don't it comes back. Plus I...