Well if anyone 30-60 who is willing to spend 15 minutes a week learning chess please send them to my Thanks bunches, Coach Patrick...
That was my next stop. But I was hoping to teach someone from scratch. The problem with people who already know chess they don't understand the proper way to teach chess and would be getting ahead of...
Could be, but not that I have noticed. I try very hard to watch things that are pleasant, or read nonviolent books or audiobooks. I still think it is my brain's way of making sense of the pain my...
Sherrine, I am having a real problem with short term memory. Sorry. I'm sure I read it at the time. I got the point. Warmly, Coach Patrick...
That's okay. I'm used to disappointment. I'm sorry you hurt yourself. Alice :) Warmly, Coach Patrick...
First, sorry about your husband, I didn't know. Well I DID coach people in chess. Since being homebound I only have people like you to help review my book. I have not had any takers yet. I blame...
Sherrine, (off topic) You are welcome to join the class. Who knows you might learn something and you and your husband might want to start playing again and with my help you can challenge him if you...
Dear Ljm (off topic) I have written a book called "The Easy Way to Learn Chess" Not published yet. Still tweaking it. Would you be my student? I will send you chapters and you tell me what you think....
I too am a Christian and I apologize. This is no excuse for being defensive but as a 62 year old man who has not been able to work for the last 10 years it is very frustrating for me not to have been...
Dear Sherrine I've heard this idea before that out there beyond a mountain of pain, if you just endure enough pain there is a place of nirvana where life is wonderful. If you can just exercise...
Hi Sherrine I do move. The most I can do is walk back and forth from one end of the house until another for about 2 minutes until the pain is so great that HAVE to sit down. No option. I try to walk...
Hi Susie Thanks for the well wishes. One challenge with having both fibro and sleep apnea is that as some have suggested to me you can't just put on your cpap before the time you might fall asleep...
Dear Ljm I don't really forget my mask. I rarely have the opportunity to put the mask on because I fall sleep so quickly. The other day I took a drink of water and set the jug down and before I...
Thanks LJM I appreciate your replying and positive thoughts and suggestions. I have a duel problem. I also have sleep apnea. Really bad. I don't go to sleep. I fall asleep. Like one moment awake and...
Dear FibroFriends: I get very bad nightmares I believe due to my fibromyalgia. I think it is my brain trying to make sense of the pain it is feeling while I am sleeping. Most of the time it is a...
Dear Poodles That makes sense to me. Do you feel the pleasure is worth the pain? I find myself thinking of an activity like a scale where the pleasure of doing the activity goes on one side and the...
Can you define what "Flare" means? Everyone keeps using it but I don't know the definition....
Thanks all for your replies. Sherrine thanks for the edit. I'm not sure exactly when I'm going over the line so feel free to edit. I tried to use medical terms. I understand why and I did not know...
Sex I would like to hold as serious of a discussion as I can about fibromyalgia and how it has effected my sex life and see if it is typical of other experiences and what techniques or ideas you have...
Hi Everyone! I notice that a lot of you use the word "flaring" and I not sure what that means. Does it simply mean a time when your muscles hurt more than regular? I have this thing that happens when...
Yes Sherrine it is my website. I started it 2 1/2 years ago when I got Fibro. because I could not keep up with the kids and thought I could keep up with the adults. The goal of the charity is simply...
Hi Everyone! I think I overdid it yesterday. I've had fatigue, headache, and stronger than normal pain from my lower back down to my feet this morning. I plan on doing the same exercises, just not as...
Hi Everyone! I stretched and walked Tigger back and forth through the house until my legs and Tigger let me know we were done. I live in Scottsdale Arizona so walking outside even in the morning is...
Based on what you are all telling me I don't have fibromyalgia. What my body is telling me is... Moving= A lot of Pain, Not moving= less pain. For instance. Yesterday afternoon I had to go get my...
Dear Mamanan With all respect, that may be the way your body works, but not the way mine does. The more active I am the more I hurt. If I take my dog for a walk around the block not only would it...
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the kind words! I'm not sure how to reply to a single reply so I will try to reply to everyone one at a time by name. Hi Danib- I would share the charity's website but I'm...
Hello Everyone This is my first post and I'm having a really hard time handling my life with fibromyalgia. 2 1/2 years ago I got fibromyalgia while teaching chess to children in elementary schools. I...