Thanks for the responses everyone! I hated the nerve tests.. ugh. Felt like my arms were being shocked off. Frankey, your story sounds similar to me. I'm in my early 20's and having the symptoms in...
Hi everyone! I'm currently undiagnosed.. My doctors have said a wide range of things from autoimmune, pinched nerves, lyme disease, fibro, etc. So I'm just going through lots of different testing....
Well I'm having my appointment next Thursday.. I'm glad I don't have to wait too long. One of the things I'm not understanding, is it possible to have an autoimmune disease with nothing showing up on...
Thanks! I'll take a look at that website. My doctor just referred me to a rheumatologist since he felt like what's going on with me is outside his area of knowledge. So hopefully I'll see the new...
Hi Guys! I'm hoping maybe someone can give me some advice. I've been bouncing around from doctor to doctor over the last 9 months, with no real answers. I finally had two doctors who really started...