Yes, those videos were interesting! It's sounding like a complicated disease. Boohoo. Thanks again....
Thank you, Wayup. I'll start watching the second video....
Wayup, also a question for you. Since the notes did not have the rest of the Q and A, Do you think that's worth the time and energy to watch?...
Wayup please post them again. I am thinking I might have CFS. I didn't feel like watching an hour long video late last night, but I did read the post.(Thank you!) I was going to fast forward today to...
It's sometimes helpful for fibromyalgia, or CFS, POTS, disautonomia. I have fibromyalgia....
My apologies. It's an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. I left off a word....
I was wondering if any fibromyalgia patients here, or CFS patients, have tried it? Mestinon, AKA Pyridostigmine.It's an acetylcholinesterase....