[color=blue>Hello] [i][color=#0000ff>I'm] [i][color=#0000ff>Anyway,] [i]Hope~ ...
[color=blue>Hey] [i][color=#0000ff>No,][b] 2 more months of that), and then they'll put him on the list. Have to go up next month so they can do an MRI on him, and he'll see his hepotologist again...
[color=blue>Hi] [i][color=#0000ff>My] [i]Hope~ ...
[color=blue>Hi] [i]Hope~ ...
[color=blue>Hey] [i][color=#0000ff>It] [i][color=#0000ff>Thanks] [i][color=#0000ff>
So][b] open the door to get out of the apartment. Scared the willies out of me! Most days, he's alright...at least he tries to act like he is, but I know different. He's a fighter though, so I think...
[color=blue>Oh][b] the live donor, they don't do it here either. Closest place to us is Walter Reed. I was going to try to give him half of mine, and to tell you the truth, I was alittle let down...
[color=blue>Hey] [i][color=blue>Luckily,][b] his belly anymore. After being tapped for so long, they did TIPS on him last November and it's worked like a charm. No more regurgitating 'Mountain Dew'...
Yep, know exactly where Oak Island is. We're closer to Wrightsville Beach. Moved up here from GA last year...it was the best move we've ever made. The Dr's here are more willing to help him,...
Awww...thank] I'm doing better today, I think it helps knowing that I'm not alone in all of this, that there's more that's...as Pink said...been there and done that. As I said last night, I'm not...
A friend directed me to this website, and I must admit that so far, I've found it very informative. [color=blue>[i] I'm a caregiver for my husband. He contracted Hep C due to a transfusion when he...