Alpha Gal allergy also known has Delayed Reaction food allergy. The reaction usually occures 4-6 hours after eating. Everything I have read says YES only a tick bite. Since this is such a new...
I have had RA for the past 24 years. I developed RA when I was 20 yrs old. I have went through the full chain of meds. One thing you need to remember, when you are in pain your body is being damaged!...
My first signs are ears start burning, turn beet red then anywhere then my bra and waist band along with the bends of my legs and arms, by this point I look like a swollen tomato and hives cover me...
I have had this allergie for about 10 years now, finally have a name for it. All the research I have done says a total avoidance diet is the best we can hope for. The allergy came from the white spot...
Thanks Connie No she has never drank a day in her life. Yes she is a former smoker, but has not smoked the last 8 years. She is unable to exercise due to the RA, she has severe RA, along with...
I am new to this forum, but am very happy that I may have found a place to vent my concerns and have someone who actually understands the stress of the caregivers. I am a diabled RN, my mother and I...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif Here is my story, maybe someone out there shares my concerns and possible solution... My mother has a history of Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fatty liver disease, morbid...